If you’ve never tried Aikido before, you might be wondering why it’s a good idea to start (especially now). Well, there are many different reasons to begin practicing Aikido or to take up this martial art. A few of them can be found a bit further down, where you can read what Aikido means to us and some of our dojo members.

Of the many good reasons to practice this martial art, this is probably one of the most important for us: Aikido is meditation in motion. These two activities have a lot in common: they train awareness, focus, concentration, patience, a clear mind, and inner calm and tranquility.

Along with the mind, we also train the body by learning to improve our posture, move intuitively, and remain relaxed in that movement. Through regular practice, we develop a sense of natural movement and freedom in our own body.

Other positive aspects of Aikido training include the improvement of physical fitness and coordination. Aikido also contains elements of self-defense, although they are not the main focus in our dojo.

nd there is much more that Aikido can teach us. The founder of this martial art, Morihei Ueshiba, developed Aikido with the goal of uniting humanity. Although it is a 'martial' art, it is not about violence, but rather the exact opposite: how we can interact peacefully and with compassion in a conflict situation. Through training, we aim not only to improve our techniques but also to grow as individuals.

Physical strength, gender, fitness, age, or athleticism play a secondary role when it comes to learning Aikido. What is much more important are curiosity, interest, openness, and a joy for learning.

Aside from everything mentioned so far, Aikido training is simply fun, and since it can be practiced by people of all ages and genders, you get to meet many interesting people. Just give it a try!

Whether you enjoy Aikido or not is best discovered in a trial class. You are warmly invited to simply drop by one of our training sessions (Mon 7:00 PM, Wed 7:00 PM, Thu 7:00 PM, Sun 6:00 PM, Tue and Fri 9:30 AM) and join in – all you need is a pair of long jogging pants and a T-shirt (we practice barefoot), and you're ready to go.

We look forward to your visit!