Why aikido?

"The secret of aikido does not lie in the way you move your feet, but in the way you move your mind. I don´t teach you how to fight, I teach you the art of non-violence." - Morihei Ueshiba

Why is aikido beneficial for me?

There are many good reasons for doing aikido. The most important one is probably this: It makes (us ) happy! Find out why.

What is the idea behind Aikido im Hof?

For us, aikido means much more than just sport and our dojo is a lot more than simply a training hall. Find our more here.

Can children do aikido?

Yes! Our dojo members are children, teenagers and adults. Click here to find out more about our kids program.

Welcome to the website of Aikido im Hof in Duisburg. We offer aikido training (plus tai chi and enjutsu) on seven days a week for kids, teens and adults.

In our dojo you can not only practise aikido , but also tai chi and now kenjutsu..

If you would like to try out aikido for free, you can find all relevant information here. We look forward to your visit!

Aikido moves (us)

Why do we and our members train aikido? Read for yourself.


2nd dan

"Aikido teaches me to completely empty my mind and to be in the here and now 100%. That is the only way I can give my training partner everything they need to grow. I can not imagine a more peaceful way to communicate with others."



2nd dan

"Aikido is budo. However, this dance on the knife's edge does not end in destruction but in forgiveness. It is an opportunity to meet and develop yourself. In harmonic and beautiful movement. In sharp concentration and presence in the present moment. And finally in in contact and exchange with our training partners and our senseis. It is the possibility to meet the whole world in small details. It's always new, always deep and always light."



2nd dan

"For me aikido is the best conversation we can possibly have with another human being.
In a language that is universal and on a level which requires me to be totally there with all my senses, body and mind. With honesty, clarity and concentration.
This way people from all walks of life meet here in the dojo. It's truely enriching."

Get in touch with us

Send us a mail, call us or simply use the form on the right.

How to find us

Grabenstraße 48, 47057 Duisburg Neudorf

Call us or send an email

+49 176 41067152

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